一只箱子、一根枴杖和一雙鞋子得面紅耳赤?」小鬼回答:「正好你來仲裁一下,幫我們分一分這只箱子、一根枴杖和一雙鞋子。」路人問:「這些東西到底有什麼價值,值得你們這樣爭吵?」小鬼回答:「箱子裡有食物、衣藥等等;這支枴杖可以驅走壞人,不怕被人欺負;穿上這雙鞋子,就可以健步如飛。」路人聽了,心裡覺得很可笑,臉上卻故作正經地說:「好!讓我好好地幫你們分配,但是你們要迴避一下,退遠一點,不要打擾我思考。」這兩個小鬼就乖乖地退得遠遠的。路人趁機拿起枴杖,抱起箱子占為己有,再把鞋子穿上,果真健步如飛,離開前還回頭對那兩個小鬼說:「什麼事情都要自己去做,箱子要自己抱、枴杖要拿起來、鞋子穿上,那就真正能健步如飛!」這是則寓言故事,箱子比喻為布施,枴杖如持戒,那雙鞋子則代表精進。學佛和行善事都一樣,去做就對了。行善是本分事,做了也不用爭功德;如果還沒做就計較功德,那實在是了不可得。修行要守持規戒,規矩若守持得好,煩惱自然不會擾亂內心,便可以降伏煩惱,及時精進。持戒是本分,守於內心、淨化自心,下功夫所顯現出來的便是德相。大家都知道行善就是功德,但若只是執著於「知」,而不投入去做,即使有再多寶藏、功德,也是得不到的,一心只想爭取,又怎會有所得?最終也只爭得滿心煩惱,這也不幸福!唯有身體力行,則不必爭,就有別人奪不去的收穫。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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辦公室症候群 症狀多樣化辦公室症候群,症狀多樣化為何辦公室會讓人混身不對勁呢?許多辦公室從一搬進去就很少進行天花板、空調系統、牆壁等環境的清潔,這些設備經常為了隔音或隔熱等功能,而加了不同板質的隔板,而空氣中充滿許多粉塵、生物脫落的微細角質、微生物等,每天都會沾染在辨公設備的建材上,若無經常清潔就會充斥污染;再者,粉刷的油漆也會剝落,在歐美許多調查中發現,很多老舊大樓脫落的油漆含鉛等重金屬,大樓隔層板會飄落粉塵、堆積塵蹣,未清洗的空調水塔含退伍軍人菌、黴菌等,而這些污染物正是引發眼睛、鼻黏膜及呼吸道等部位出現過敏等不適症狀的誘發因子,而含鉛的脫落油漆更可能引起貧血、神經系統的問題。病態大樓引起發症狀為建築設備不良,以致空氣無法對流、室內裝潢建材或用品含有毒的揮發性有機溶劑、以及人為污染所致,其中包括影印機、傳真機及印表機會逸散氣氧或是溶劑性的污染物;地毯清潔時殘留清潔劑的刺激性成分揮發在空氣中,以及空調系統濾網、冷卻盤管等設備沒有定期清潔,而蓄積過多的真菌孢子散發在空氣中等。因此可能使在這些病態大樓中工作或生活者有1到3成,產生眼睛乾、皮膚乾癢、頭痛、容易疲倦及精神不集中的病態大樓症候群。好逸惡勞,痠痛全上身根據人力銀行曾進行的上班族調查顯示,約有6成5上班族表示沒有運動習慣,有5成以上不運動者認為是因工作太忙無法運動,4成7因懶惰,而有3成3則推說是因無一起運動的同伴。不運動的結果除了易痠痛外,也有5成4的人認為自己容易疲勞,也有超過5成不運動的人有過重問題。每天約有6、7個小時得不停操作電腦,操作電腦時若沒有注意姿勢及適時休息,頸部、手臂、肩膀和後背部往往會持續相同姿勢而造成肌肉僵硬,如此一來很容易堆積引起痠痛的乳酸,便會引起長時間痠痛。電腦普及化,造成傷害眼睛乾就醫者也愈來愈常見。據調查,約有8成2以上電腦操作者有眼睛乾澀問題,但真正的乾眼症是因為淚腺功能障礙、眼瞼皮脂腺功能不良,或是缺乏維他命A、慢性結膜炎、類天皰瘡等引發黏液素層分泌不足等原因引起,多半是太專注盯著電腦而忘了眨眼,由於眼球濕潤及氧氣是靠眨眼時補充,若眨眼次數太少就會引起眼睛乾澀,或因辨公室或家中冷氣太強所引發。 操作電腦時除了敲鍵盤外,操作滑鼠時往往是手腕用力做支柱,長時間就會產生慢性疲勞。而手腕長時間保持下壓及固定姿勢,易引發腕隧道症候群;專心操作電腦時,手腕懸空,以致手肘和手臂的肌肉緊繃,引起肩膀、肩胛骨膏肓穴部位僵硬、痠痛。每天開窗2小時,減少過敏原定期清潔辦公室及空調系統,避免脫落的油漆及附著在建材上的粉塵影響員工。每天自行幫辦公室開窗2小時以上,就可有效降低空內過敏原一半以上;另外,每天使用辦公用品前最好稍做清潔,預防辨公室清潔劑或殺蟲劑沾染辦公用具而污染手部。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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性感辣媽是幾號人呢?開運鑑定團/開運數字擂台:性感辣媽是幾號人呢?  開運數字擂台:性感辣媽是幾號人呢? 題目:看的是生日的日,如果是各位數那就可以直接判斷,若是兩位數就把兩位數相加,結果若還是兩位數,那再把兩位數相加,總之要以最後個位數的結果來看。例如:29號生日,就先把2和9相加等於11,再把1和1相加等於2,所以就是2號人。 第三名/4號人 4號的辣媽,是最怕被叫歐巴桑,刻意打扮追求不同,努力成為全能的辣媽,因為4號的女生,他們很奇怪,他們一般來講,其實外表都很正常,我們現在有分很多種,有很多人,真的外表正常,他看起來都很正常,當了媽媽以後,他覺得他悶很久的,那個部分出來了,他終於有一個投射的一個小東西,他可以讓他去發揮,所以4號的這個媽媽,他希望他的孩子能夠把他當做一個性感的那個偶像。 第二名/7號人 特立獨行又有主張,絕對不會因為有小孩放棄自我的風格辣媽,她不會因為她有小孩,當然她有她的母性,可是她覺得我就是我,她不會為小孩去改變她自己,絕對不會,她不是因為有了小孩,她才去變成辣媽,她跟4號不太一樣,我們現在在講的辣媽,有些是思想上面的,行為上面的她很嗆、很辣,所以7號的這種她其實主要是在於,她自己的自信還有風格上面。 第一名/5號人 5號的辣媽是時尚資訊一把罩,嚐鮮前衛帶動風潮,好搶鋒頭的超級辣媽,其實5號的辣媽,她不是為了要把自己當做媽媽,5號的這個辣媽很有趣,她其實永遠都是自己一定要有自己一個中心,自己最重要,所有的燈光一定要集向她,小孩子對她來講,是一個美麗的附帶品一個裝飾品,就是說他們也會有母愛,可是很重要的是她就是主角,所以5號的辣媽,在時尚上面各方面她一定不會落人後,所以她的小朋友一定也被打扮得很漂亮。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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哪個星座最有桃花運標題: 哪個星座最有桃花運牡羊座:★★★★★ 牡羊的桃花指數頗高,最常發生的卻是落花有意流水無情,卻死纏爛打。 金牛座:★★★ 喜歡偷偷放電的金牛座是土相星座中最桃花的,只是他們都店店吃三碗公不跟大家說。 雙子座:★★★★★★ 喜歡捻花惹草的雙子座怎麼會沒有桃花呢?只不過有時候爛桃花多了些不太好處理而已。 巨蟹座:★★ 不是巨蟹座不愛桃花,只是他們太過保守又容易受驚嚇,往往也會把桃花給趕走。 獅子座:★★★★★★ 不一定要桃花來找他的星座,獅子座喜歡主動去招來桃花,卻一點不自覺還以為都是人家來找他的。 處女座:★ 桃花指數這麼少別人一定難過死了,不過處女座卻把他看成是潔身自愛呢! 天秤座:★★★★★ 最曖昧的就是這個星座,可是他們都不承認,桃花很多,成功\的機率卻很少。 天蠍座:★★★★ 天蠍座的矜持會讓桃花指數往下掉,還好天蠍座的男女都很性感,桃花還是不少的。 射手座:★★★★★★ 愛神的桃花不會亂開,但是射手的桃花箭就會亂射,往往讓一堆無辜的男女產生誤會,被射手電到最好小心! 魔羯座:★★ 對整天認真工作的? s羊來說,除非桃花開在辦公室和圖書館,不然山羊的桃花恐怕等著枯萎吧! 水瓶座:★★ 水瓶太冷靜了,就算有桃花也往往是燃燒一瞬間,過兩天就恢復理智躲起來不連絡了。 雙魚座:★★★★★ 這個星座算是每天泡在桃花源的人吧!走到哪裡都有戀愛的可能見異思遷指數。資料來源 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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愛情忠貞指數(((轉)))愛情忠貞指數 ◎傳聞辦公室有鬼,當你一個人晚上值班時,你直覺鬼最有可能躲在哪裡? 1.廁所中。 2.電梯中。 3.桌子底下。 4.老闆的房間中。 5.儲藏室中。 解 析 羅密歐跟茱麗葉的愛情故事非常的忠貞,是天下有情人非常嚮往的一個境界,今天隨堂測驗就來測驗出現實社會中你的愛情忠貞指數到底有多高?  1.選「廁所中」的朋友你會依照對方愛你的表現而調整自己的忠貞的尺度, 感情忠貞指數55﹪:這類型的人希望對愛情有選擇權,因此也希望自己可 以做到的事情對方也同樣要做到。 2.選「電梯中」的朋友你可以苦守寒窯18年,再看對方值不值得你再守候, 感情忠貞指數80﹪:這類型的人是愛情中的苦情花,他愛上對方之後包容 力很強很傳統,等到忍到無忍之後就會毅然決然離開。 3.選「桌子底下」的朋友你可以做到靈肉分開,覺得忠貞不需要刻意犧牲而 壓抑偷吃慾望,感情忠貞指數40﹪:這類型的人有自己對愛情的一套看 法,他認為一夫一妻制只是大家的一種規則而已,對他並不適用。 4.選「老闆的房間中」的朋友你會要求對方對你忠貞不二,自己卻可以到處 留情,感情忠貞指數20﹪:這類型的人在感情中是趨向男性化的性格,他 認為自己是國王可以配很多個嬪妃都沒有關係,不過對方一定要非常忠 貞。 5.選「儲藏室中」的朋友你只要愛上對方,你就死守不放,大家為你建貞節 牌坊,感情忠貞指數99﹪:這類型的人如果非常愛一個人的話,會非常 為對方著想,盡量的照顧對方。.

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推拿過五關巡迴列國教學的芳療大師林國華博士 林國華博士是鎖定以推拿按摩〈Massage〉為目標的名師,從1998年創立「中國民俗推拿整復協進會」,開班教學,到2004年取得針灸推拿學臨床醫學博士,再到2007年全部通過中國的五關推拿按摩師證照,總算「學經歷」完整。 跨越臺灣海峽到中國廣州中醫藥大學就讀博士班, 熬了三年1000多個日子學有所成總算畢業了!  要取得臨床醫學博士是要通過五科的臨床實習,經常面臨生死關鍵,並要通過學院與醫院組成典試委員會的『出科考試』,不是弄幾十隻老鼠對話實驗,就能了事! 北從宜蘭南到高雄,  每天講課教學並為病患推拿整復變成例行工作, 這樣的「驛碼奔騰」日子,大家說:很有挑戰性。 由右至左,由下而上,分別是【初級按摩師】→【中級按摩師】→【高級按摩師】→ →【二級按摩技師】→【高級按摩技師】。 我從2001年的【初級按摩師】開始考,到2007年通過【高級按摩技師】歷經千辛萬苦,成就的背後都要付出時間、經歷以及不為人知的痛苦代價喔。 完整的學經歷之外,從《肢體按摩》》→《美容按摩》→《芳療按摩》→ →《靈性按摩》→到《前世療傷》,研究的領域越來越廣,接受的挑戰也 越來越廣,目前正挑戰「今生未來按摩」。 何謂「今生未來按摩」?簡單的說:今年50歲的人,預見十年後體力衰退, 現在有錢,十年後也許用錢越來越不方便,所以趁現在有錢有閑,先做60歲 時的身心靈的按摩。 靈療過程,前世的療癒的體會。.

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新年度新學期大學院校二月中旬開課:林國華博士每週兩天在台南教書九十六年度第二學期開學了,林博士這學期在台南麻豆的致遠管理學院開了四班課,企管系與餐旅系都是一年級,超活潑的。中醫藥概論是綜合班,星期四是日間部的學生,只有四年級和三年級就滿額,一二年級就等下學期了。 星期五晚上是進修部,光四年級就全部滿額而且超額〈70↑〉!.

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三寶講述範例三寶講述範例 Examples for reference to the speech of the Three Treasures 壹、前言 各位先生、各小姐大家好!首先恭禧各位佛緣深 厚,接受明師指點,傳授無上的心法。我們既然已 求了道,那麼「道」究竟是什麼呢?中國古代哲學 家─老子,他被美國學者米勒推選為古今中外十大作 家之一,他曾說:「大道無形,生育天地」,大道 雖然沒有形狀卻能生天生地生萬物,是一切萬物的 根源。那麼「道」既是無形無象,我們以肉眼凡胎 如何去體悟無形的妙道呢?考查古代的聖神仙佛傳 道的情形,即知有道必有「法」,法就是法藥,用 來對治眾生的苦惱。今天我們所得的三寶即是當今 天命明師所傳的三個法寶,叫做關、訣、印,得這 三寶以作為修道、成道的指引,以及用心修持的入 門工夫,非常重要,它的效驗也非常不可思議。 1.PrefaceLadies and gentlemen! Congratulations to you for having great affinity with Buddha’s and initiated by our Enlightening Teacher and received the ultimate dharma. Now, you have already received Dao, what is Dao then? Lao Zi - the great ancient Chinese philosopher, explained: “Great Dao has no form, nor substance; yet it creates and nourishes heaven and earth”. It is the origin of all beings. As explained that Dao has no form, nor substance, how do we expect to comprehend the wondrous of the invisible Dao? When we refer to the fact that ancient saints and Buddha’s were transmitting Dao, they knew there was Dharma in Dao that they could use to cure sentient beings’ distresses. The Three Treasures that we have received today are passed on to us by our Enlightening Teacher. These Treasures are called Portal/Gate Mantra and Hand sign/Seal. The three treasures are the guide to one’s Dao cultivation and the attainment. It is the primer to the true cultivator, who will find its result and effect are very significant. 貳、第一寶「玄關竅」—通天竅 傳道師用他的手指向您指點的地方,就叫做「玄關 竅」。(2.) The first treasure is the Gate/Heavenly Portal – A Portal to lead one to Heaven The Dao transmitting master used his (her) finger to initiate the point (location); this is called the Gate/Heavenly Portal. 玄關是正門的意思,指這兒是靈性出入的正門。何 以稱為之為「玄關竅」?(一)玄關之內有我們的 真靈,這靈性與上帝、佛祖的靈光無異,故上可通 天下可貫地。(二)是生死之門戶,吾人只知媽媽 生了我們的身子,卻不曉得還需有一點靈光才能成 為一個人,只有肉身沒有靈性,好像一部剛出廠的 汽車,有完備的機件、駕駛座、方向盤卻沒有司機 在裡頭,您說它會動嗎?有的嬰兒一出娘胎就死 了,就是這個問題。一般人總以為小孩生下來自然 會呼吸嘛!但是您不妨到醫院的婦產科去看看,整 年下來總有幾個死胎哩!這死胎道家稱它為「未投 竅」,是什麼未投竅呢?當然是靈性囉!這樣子就 枉費媽媽懷胎十月之苦一場空。所以我們每個人的 出生,靈性都從這一竅而來,因此玄關竅是生的門 戶。所謂「一樣生,百樣死」,每人出生之際靈光 都從此竅而來,可是因各人在世之作為不同,死亡 時靈魂卻從別處出竅,僅得道者方能由此玄關正門 而出,所以說這竅是生死的重要「門戶」。(三) 這竅主宰全身,我們全身的靈覺全都由此竅發出, 這裡是周身一切靈覺的核心所在。我們每個人的靈 性是以這裡為核心發號司令,流佈週身的靈覺全由 這裡指揮.So called the Gate/Portal means the gate where is the entrance and exit of our soul (divine nature). Why do we call this gate as the Heavenly Portal? 1. Inside the portal, there is our true nature (divine soul or spirit), this true nature is the same as God’s, and Buddha’s natures, and it is a union of the heaven and the earth.2. It is the gate of our life and death, we only know that we have parents who give us the physical flesh, rarely know that we are bestowed by God with the soul (true nature or spirit) to vitalize our body. With only the physical flesh but without the spirit or soul is like a car equipped completely but without a driver to make it run on roads. This is why some babies died right after they were delivered; as you know that not all the babies is born alive, Taoism calls this failure of birth delivery as a “spirit fails to plunge in”. What is exactly that doesn’t plunge in? Of course, it actually is the spirit (soul or true nature) that doesn’t plunge into the body! The mother, who loses her baby in delivery, wastes away her 10 months pregnancy with all the suffering. Hence, all of us were born with the inherent true nature abides in the portal; this is why it is called the Gate of life. Remember that all of us are delivered to the world with this soul bestowed upon the same portal, but it may leave out from different side gates depending how the person performs his life on the earth. Those who receive Dao and act accordingly, certainly realize the right gate and know this is the location to leave out, therefore, this is why it is called the essential Gate of life and death.3. This heavenly portal controls the body all the sense of feeling is generatedon this location; this is the core of our sense of feeling; this is where our True nature commends the order to our flesh body.接著,請各位看看佛堂牆壁上的仙佛畫像,祂們的 頭部有什麼特殊現象呢?是不是都有一個光圈(佛 光)?各位如果有機會注意看看教會牆壁上的耶穌 圖像,圖上的耶穌也是頭頂有圓光。很奇妙!中國 的神像有佛光,印度的神像也有,不僅東方的有, 連代表西方文化的耶穌也有。總之,東西方聖賢仙 佛畫像的頂上都有佛光。其實,那佛光是因為聖佛 的心充滿慈悲光明的念頭而自然流露出來的,也是 古代畫家們依實際觀察所畫出的。何以仙佛的佛光 會出現在頭部而不在其他地方呢?這豈不是奧妙在 其中嗎?常識告訴我們,有光的地方必有光源,好 像做壁報畫上臘燭的時候,都同時會在火焰的週圍 畫上光環,表示它正在燃燒、發光。我們反過頭來 看看仙佛頭上的光圈,它的光源必然是在頭顱正面 的中心點,由此可證這佛光的核心點應該正好是玄 關竅的部位哩!是不是?也可證明玄關竅正是自性 佛的所在呀!Now, allow me to invite you to look at the picture of divine saints on the wall, what do you see around their heads? Those are called the halo/aureole. You will also see a halo around Jesus Chris’s head on His picture hang in the church. Amazing! Isn’t this? There are halos on saints in Chinese beliefs; in Hindu, not only in all oriental beliefs but also in Western beliefs as well, that all the divine Ones have the halos around their heads. In fact, this halo is naturally radiating from within for they all possess the thought of mercy only, all the ancient artist or painters in West and Orient strangely painted the same way about the halos (because they all observed and felt the same). But why the halo appears on the area of head not in other part of the body? Is this containing a wonderful message? The knowledge of nature reveals to us that where is there is the light; there must be a source of this light. The painter will naturally paint the halo around a flaming candle to show that it is burning and radiating. Let’s apply this to the pictures of saints or Buddha, the halo is around the head, it must generated and sourced from the center of the right side of the face, therefore, it proves that the core of our true nature must be in the point of our portal. Anyhow, the fact of the aureoles does exist which is needless to deny, we are fortunate enough to be initiated by our enlightening Teacher, we shall cultivate ourselves accordingly to revive the inherent light of our original nature. 這裡再以醫理的觀點來佐證玄關確是吾人的主宰, 一般人總認為大腦就是主宰生命活動的「心」,換 句話說是認為腦就是心,心就是腦了。這個觀念並 不完全正確,加拿大有位神經學家叫培裴德,他曾 經透過實驗想探討腦與心靈(思想)之間的關聯。 我們知道,人類主要的思考、記憶、指揮動作的功 能與大腦灰皮層有關,大腦灰皮層是大腦最外層佈 滿神經的部份。灰皮層分成很多不同的區域,個別 主宰不同的功能,比如說一部份主管食慾,一部份 主管言語,一部份主管皮膚…培裴德博士做了一項 實驗,將電極插在病人支配大腦半球的講話部位, 就是將講話的神經中樞用電流麻醉,一通電時病人 就沈默了,等一會兒撤掉電極,那病人就很快地說 出當電極干擾腦部時「他」所無法表達的話。換言 之,腦部被電極麻醉時,按一般推理應該是不會再 有想講話的念頭,可是事實剛好相反,腦被電極控 制時,竟然還有個會想講話的「主體」,實驗過很 多次情況都一樣。培裴德作個比喻,大腦如同電視 機的映像管,而心靈、思想就好像電視波,二者相 輔相成,大腦是工具而心靈如主人,沒有大腦就無 法傳達訊息,沒有心靈則大腦與屍體一般,最後他 下個結論:「可能在腦之後或腦中潛伏了『思想 者』本身,它使用腦,就像操作人員使用電腦一 樣。」我們可說培裴德博士猜得雖不中也不遠了。 同時,可以佐證這一指點的正確性與醫學實驗能夠 相互呼應,也糾正了一般人「腦就是心」的臆測觀 念。In point of medical practice, it proves that our heavenly portal is actually the master to our body, generally, people regard our brain is the “heart (the mind)” that vitalizes our life, in other words, people thought the brain is the heart. This point of view is not exactly correct. There was a Canadian Dr. of nerve had series of experiments to discover the connection (relationship between) of the mind and the thought. As we understand that the function of human’s thinking, memories and the conduct of activity have something to do with the area of our brain called Grey Skin Layer area where is fully spread of the nerves. This area is consisted of various districts that function differently, such as that controls the desire of eating, the function of language and skin…etc. This Dr. did an experiment by using an electric shock to disturb the nerve in the brain that functions talking, the person wasn’t able to talk while the electric shock was on, later right after the shock device was switched off, he started to talk those words while he wasn’t able to speak out because of the external force that numbed the ability of speaking. Normally, we thought when the electric shock numbs the brain, the person shall have no thought of talking, on the contrary, there is actually a “device” that generates the speaking desire, and this has been proved by various repeated experiments. This Dr. used an example to explain this nature likes a TV picture tube. The mind, the thought are like TV waves, each is the assistance to the other. The brain is a tool to the mind, but the mind is a master, without the true nature the brain is out of function and is like a corpse. In conclusion, Dr. said that there is probably a “ thinker” behind the brain or in the brain that uses the brain just like an operator uses the computer. We can claim that this Dr. didn’t precisely find the position, yet it is not far from it. In the meantime, this medical point has helped to prove this heavenly portal is precise, which corrected the wrong point of view of people’s general idea about the brain is the mind. 參、第二寶「口訣」—通天咒 接著,再說明第二寶「口訣」,口訣就是剛才傳道 師最後要各位跟他念的那五個字,請各位再跟我唸 一遍……再一遍,謝謝!這稱為五字真言,是通天 神咒,有不可思議的感應力量。彌勒真經言:「老 母降下真天咒,用心持念有神通。」以此口訣修 持,啟發內心悅樂的泉源,能夠迅速調伏妄想雜念 與不平的情緒,甚至於有人因默誦口訣而治癒多年 失眠症的案例;經常虔誠持誦,可感召諸天神聖護 持,遇難呈祥。(3.) The second treasure is the Heavenly Mantra /Password – the code to Heaven. Just now, you have been asked by our Dao Transmitting Master to repeat after him or her, now, please repeat after me to make sure you memorize this Mantra. This is called the Five Words, which is the code to connect to heaven. It has an amazing force of feeling and responding. In the True Sutra of Maitreya states: “God descents the true heavenly mantra (password), chant this mantra attentively, you shall feel and respond with heaven.”  Cultivate according to this Mantra, the source of inner joy shall be disclosed and soon adjust and settle the false and disputed thoughts and moods. Some even cured their insomnia that bothered them for years; constantly chant this passage of password inside of your mind, which will lead you to touch heaven and bring protection on you, peaceful result will happen when encounter difficulty. 我們就來分析一下這祖師所傳的口訣:第一個字象 徵虛靈之性、無極理天及常而不變之「理」——代 表絕對世界,我們的自性來自無極理天,在理天自 性沒有男女之分,就是一團虛靈而已,自由自在, 常清常靜,逍遙快樂。第二字象徵人身呼吸之氣、 太極氣天及變而有常之「數」—代表相對世界,我 們本性降生人間即落入後天,接受氣天「氣數」的 主宰,萬物之生殺消長,日月星辰之運轉週旋,莫 不由氣天掌理。第三個字是「象天」—代表物質世 界,意即佛祖示現在人間教導眾生由象天超氣入 理,有形之身終是虛幻,應早日借假修真,所以象 天的一切眾生要追隨聖佛,以其為尊以其為貴,努 力效法才可返本還源,重回理天。以上三個字加上 最後兩個字,意即三極妙道是由彌勒祖師掌天盤, 領導群生修道、辦道,以致成道。因此,傳道師傳 我們口訣,我們當明白本性自理天而降,今日受了 物欲的朦蔽已稍不光明,必須皈依彌勒佛、老師及 師母,改毛病,去脾氣,修心養性,去象超氣入 理,回復圓覺的本性。自己明理之後,更須要代天 宣化,替佛學言,使迷失於花花世界的同胞,早日 悟透氣天象天之不長久,而認理歸真,同享逍遙。 Let’s now analyze the Mantra/ Password: The first Word symbolizes the void true nature, the heaven and the constancy of the principle that eternally unchanged. It repreents an absolute world, our true nature is originated from there, there is no gender; it is just void, tranquil, free, unfetter and happy. The second Word symbolizes the Qi – yin and yang energy, and also the air for breathing. This spiritual world has the nature of changing but constant. – A relative world. When the true nature is born to this world, it is trapped by the limitation of this world. The birth, death, perish and growth of all beings; the revolution of sun, moon and stars are all controlled by this space’s principle. The third Word represents the earthly world. Buddha was on this earth to show all sentient being to transcend to unlimited status by surpassing the material and spiritual world, all the formation on this material world will all be vanished one day, and He taught us to use this limited false formation (body) to cultivate the true and eternal one. Therefore, all beings on the earth have model to follow so their origin can return to where they came from. These are the first three Words explanation. The last two Words that follow after the above three words indicate that Maitreya Buddha is responsible for the Heavenly Post, He leads all sentient beings cultivate and help for the spreading of Truth, and in the end, leads them all to reach to attainment. Hence, after received the Mantra/Password from the Dao Transmitting Master, we shall understand that our true nature is descent from heaven, yet we are lost and beclouded because of the desire of material, now we shall rely on Maitrya Buddha, our Enlightening Teachers, strive for removing our bad habits, refining our short temper and cultivating ourselves to restore our origin. Upon realizing our origin, we shall then spread the truth to all possible corners, awake the lost ones to understand the limited spaces (the spiritual world and the earthly worlds) are not going to last forever. So they can also restore themselves to genuine ones and be unfettering as well. 隨地都可以誠心默誦五字真言來收攝身心。持誦口 訣時,內心可以一面觀想彌勒祖師的慈容,一面綿 綿密密誠心默誦。平日也應該效法祖師之廣大慈 心、笑口常開、大度大量。每天早上起來就要知足 感恩,才會從內心升起無窮的快樂。從內心裡知足 感恩,隨時學習將快樂分享給予他人,您將是一位 笑口常開很受歡迎的人。還有,人之所以會生氣、 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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禮運大同篇禮運大同篇  孔子(西元前551~479年)《禮記卷七,禮運第九》大道之行也,天下為公;選賢與能,講信修睦;故人不獨親其親,不獨子其子;使老有所終,壯有所用,幼有所長;鰥寡孤獨廢疾者,皆有所養;男有分,女有歸;貨惡其棄於地也,不必藏於己;力惡其不出於身也,不必為己;是故謀閉而不興,盜竊亂賊而不作,故外戶而不閉,是謂大同。The World of Da-Tong (Dah-Torng)Confucius’ Ideal of a Commonwealth State* – a Great UtopiaLi-Yun-Da-Tong (Li-Yun-Dah-Torng) Section, the Record of Rites, Book 9, by Confucius (BC551~479)When the Great Dao (Tao, perfect order) prevails, the world is like a Commonwealth State shared by all, not a dictatorship.Virtuous, worthy, wise and capable people are chosen as leaders.Honesty and trust are promoted, and good neighborliness cultivated.All people respect and love their own parents and children, as well as the parents and children of others.The aged are cared for until death; adults are employed in jobs that make full use of their abilities; and children are nourished, educated, and fostered.Widows and widowers, orphans and the old without children, the disabled and the diseased are all well taken care of.Every man and woman has an appropriate role to play in society and in the family.They hate to see resources lying idle or cast away, yet they do not necessarily keep them for themselves.They hate not to make use of their abilities, yet they do not necessarily work for their own self-interest.Thus intrigues and conspiracies do not arise, and thievery and robbery do not occur; therefore doors need never be locked.This is the ideal world – a perfect world of equality, fraternity, harmony, welfare, and justice. This is the world called “Da-Tong (Dah-Torng)”. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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